Hosting Package Comparison

The items listed below can be added to TELUS Shared Hosting packages for an additional fee.

Options - by Package
Package Available Options
Intro Additional Storage
Additional Email boxes
Intermediate Additional Storage
Additional Email boxes
MS SQL - all levels**
Advanced Additional Storage
Additional Email boxes
MS SQL - all levels**
Retail - monthly Retail - annually
Standard - 100 MB $ 49.99 $ 599.99
Advanced - 240 MB $ 74.99 $ 899.99
Pro - 600 MB $ 149.99 $ 1799.99
Pro Plus - 2 GB $ 479.99 $ 5759.99
Additional email boxes
Easymail $ 1.00 $ 12.00
Additional Storage
50MB/month $ 1.99 $ 23.99
Domain forwarding
Monthly $ 2.99 $ 35.99